Friday, June 11, 2010

Education In Rural Southeast Asia Slideshow

Education In Rural Southeast Asia  Photos © John Brown All Rights Reserved -  Follow Me On TWITTER

There are 6 million people who live within the 91,000 square miles that comprise Laos. A landlocked country with no railroads, spotty electricity, an unorganized health care system, crude farming techniques, and short life expectancies.  A country whose citizens have been affected by colonization, occupation, the first Indo-China War, the "secret war", and the Lao civil war.

A country that has been forgotten. The lack of basic learning utensils in too many of Lao rural schools is a major issue in Laos. In many schools, basic supplies such as books, paper, chalk, or a ball for the school's recess time are non existent.  Further, a majority of the population does not have access to potable water.

This is a look at a typical rural elementary school in Laos PDR.

John Brown Photojournalist On LIGHTSTALKERS

1 comment:

John Brown said...

Thanks for stopping by! Yes, Laos issues have been in the news recently but mostly it's a country "off the media and public's radar"'.i